In-Charge Energy | In-Control (Certification no longer maintained)

In-Charge is dedicated to the pursuit of large-scale emissions reduction by providing turnkey solutions for commercial EV infrastructure projects.  In-Control is charger and load management software from In-Charge, designed for commercial fleets. In-Control makes EVSE management simple, fast, and efficient and gives access to enterprise-grade solutions right at your fingertips. As connected devices platform, In-Control comes with highest level of security to protect you from malware, hackers, electricity outages, and anything that might disrupt your fleet operations or harm your corporate information.

In-Charge Energy has integrated the OpenADR certified Plaid microservice into their platform. With the integration of Plaid, this platform is OpenADR compliant.

(Certification no longer maintained)

Company Name: In-Charge Energy
Brand Name of Product: In-Control (Certification no longer maintained)
Product Model Name: In-Control (Certification no longer maintained)
Product Website: Click here to view
Business Type: Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Small/Medium Business (SMB)
Product Type: VEN
Client Type: Controller, EV and EVSE
Hardware Version: na
Firmware Version: 1.0
OpenADR Profile: 2.0b
Security: Standard
Transport Protocol: Simple HTTP
Pull and Push Mode: Pull
Signed Declaration
of Conformity:
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